Instantly generate personalized investment portfolios for every client.
Co-create portfolios that reflect your unique investment philosophy and your clients’ unique values, all with the click of a button.
How Pomarium works.
Input your firm's investment philosophy.
Include your investment style preferences, asset allocations for various risk profiles, and specify your favorite mutual funds or ETFs.
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Gather client and prospect data on values and goals.
Use your unique, shareable link to invite clients, prospects, and referrals to easily share their values and goals.
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Generate unique portfolios with the click of a button.
Navigate with a client or prospect to create a tailored portfolio on demand. Review how their values and your firm’s investment philosophy combine to build a robust portfolio just for them.
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Easily turn recommendations into managed accounts.
Pomarium calculates the portfolio at the account level, making it easy to turn a personalized portfolio into a live, managed account for each client account, at any risk level and any size.
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About Us
Pomarium gives everyone a voice in how they invest their money. As part of our economy, your clients' investment choices influence how companies operate.
The world is a better place when your clients invest in companies that align with their values.
Built by advisors, for advisors.
“We owe it to our clients to deliver investments they love.”
Brad Sparks & Erik Sartin
Founders • Pomarium
Bring a new level of personalization to your practice today.
Adding Pomarium will enhance your clients' experience, save you time, and elevate your firm to new heights.